3-day HR Management Workshop - Level 1

15.11.2018 to 17.11.2018

SMART Myanmar is pleased to once again host another of our popular HR Management "Level 1" workshops.

Designed and focused especially on HR management, workplace communications and social compliance issues at garment factories, this workshop is most suitable for...

  • General managers and assistant GMs.
  • HR Managers and assistant HR managers.
  • Social compliance managers and officers. EHS staff.
  • Other factory staff interested in receiving a broad overview of practical and international good practices for systematic HR management in garment, textile or footwear factories.

Cost: 100,000 MMK for all 24 hours/3 days. Factory staff of companies who have completed or are currently participating in one of SMART's on-site consultancy programs can quality for a 50% discount.

Location: Yangon, venue TBC

Language: Myanmar language and English

To register, contact: [email protected] by Nov. 2nd.