Applied Labour laws for Supervisor Level in Apparel Industries (Batch 1)


Supervisors play a crucial role in ensuring that your organization complies with labour laws and regulations. Therefore, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the legal framework surrounding employee rights , compensation and workplace safety. By gaining a deeper understanding of labour laws and regulations , you will be ensure fair and equitable treatment of employee , maintaining a healthy and productive workforce and resolve conflicts and foster a culture of compliance and respect the basic labor rights under Myanmar labour laws. Our trainer will provide training on critical topics covering eleven existing Myanmar labour laws.

This training will be interactive , engaging and tailored to your specific needs and requirements as supervisors. We aim to reinforce your learning and apply it back to your organization by referencing training material provided and participating in all activities during the training days. This training will not only benefit you personally but also contribute to the success and growth of your organization including promoting social and economic stability.

For further information, contact [email protected]