Social Compliance: International Best Practices & Approaches - 2 day workshop

26.11.2018 to 27.11.2018
Insein Township

Implementing strong social compliance systems at a factory requires a large management team knowledgable on the needs and requirements, whether the factory is aiming to pass audits or simply wants to improve further. This 2-day workshop is taught in Myanmar language and is designed to teach mid-level Myanmar managers and staff a broad overview on practical and effective ways to improve social compliance implementation in the factory workplace.

Cost: 100,000 MMK per participant. (covers all 16 hours/both course days). Participants from any factory to already complete or join SMART's on-site consultancy programs can receive a 50% discount (SMART Management Systems Program, SMART Environmental Management Program or SCORE Program).

Dates: November 26th & 27th from 9am until 5pm.

To register, please contact: [email protected] no later than Nov. 16th.