Additional HR management workshops conducted in July and November

Additional HR management workshops conducted in July and November

During the last week of July, SMART Myanmar hosted a 2-day "HR Management Lab" Level 2 workshop on July 30th and 31st from 9am to 5pm at Jasmine Palace hotel, Yangon. This 2-day interactive workshop is conducted by technical experts from SMART Myanmar's HR & Social Compliance team with both Myanmar and English and workshop focused on enhancing the effective communication skills to avoid misunderstanding and conflicts, improving the knowledge of complete and effective communications mechanisms in order to build trust and understanding among the workforce as well as learning the ways to implement crucial and effective workplace dialogue to reduce and handle the labor dispute.

24 participants from 15 factories participated actively the workshop by doing group work activities and sharing their experiences during the 2-day training. The SMART Myanmar's technical experts team also offered some awards to the attendants who entusiastically involved in the interactive discussion and Q&A sessions, attendants who are punctional for the training time etc. The participants who will be completed the homeworks and lessons will be also receiving the awarded certificates after workshop. 

Additional workshops on "Managing Across Cultures" were held on November 26th and 27th for Chinese-language speaking managers and on Nov. 30th for managers and technicians at a large Hong Kong invested factory in Bago. The two-day workshop on the 26th and 27th was conducted in collaboration with the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI).

Several short seminars on HR-related topics were conducted in the 2nd half of 2019 on specific topics, some at the MGMA's training center and others on-site in the factories.

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