Switching to solar: SMART conducts solar PV assessments

Switching to solar: SMART conducts solar PV assessments

During the 3rd week of October, SMART Myanmar organized a 'training of trainers' workshop about solar photovoltaic and solar thermal systems. This session was targeted for local engineers and was led by senior expert Rajat Batra from Sustent Co.,Ltd, an environmental specialist firm from India. The workshop taught engineers how to conduct initial solar feasibility assessments at factories and how to evaluate the efficiency of operational systems.. The classroom training was held on October 15th and 17th at the UMFCCI Building. Staff from one local solar PV company, one development project and one independent engineer joined to learn alongside SMART project staff.

On October 16th and 18th, Sustent and SMART Myanmar assessed two garment factories for solar PV and solar thermal feasibility. The first factory, Green Nature Co., Ltd. received a free initial solar feasibility assessment and report. The 2nd, Anita Asia, had the efficiency of its existing 92.6 kW rooftop solar PV system evaluated.

SMART Myanmar plans to conduct further solar feasibility asssessments at garment factories during 2019. Contact [email protected] if you are interested to register.

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