Social dialogue and effective grievance mechanisms (Batch 2)

25.07.2023 to 26.07.2023

Better workplace communication centers on establishing a foundation of mutual respect and trust. To  prevent and resolve disputes in a factory setting requires continuous worker engagement and feedback. To build up good employee relations at the workplace, it is important to know and understand the workers’ voice. Effective grievance mechanisms should provide a clear, transparent framework for addressing grievances which involves exploration, consideration, management response and feedback to workers. At minimum, this ought to include a functional Workplace Coordination Committee (WCC), which must involve the elected representatives of the workforce and/or a trade union (if the factory has a trade union), as well as supplemental grievance channels.

This training workshop focuses on how to implement effective social dialogue and grievance systems at the factory level based on legal requirements in Myanmar and recommended best practices.

Further information can be seen in the flyer below:

Social dialogue and effective grievance mechanisms- for employer and employee representatives