
21.05.2019 | Workshop | TBD

On May 21st and 22nd SMART Myanmar and the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) are pleased to once again organize ...

26.02.2019 | Workshop | MGMA Training Center, GTI, Insein Township

SMART Myanmar and implementing partner, the Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association, are pleased to once again host a 2-day workshop on "...

31.01.2019 | Workshop | Yangon

Myanmar Environmental Assessment Association Workshop for Fundamentals of Association Governance and Management, hosted by SMART Myanmar...

14.01.2019 | Workshop | TBD

On January 14th & 15th SMART Myanmar is hosting technical experts from Sustent Co., Ltd. from India to conduct "training of trainers"...

15.11.2018 | Workshop | Yangon

SMART Myanmar is pleased to once again host another of our popular HR Management "Level 1" workshops.


26.11.2018 | Workshop | Insein Township

Implementing strong social compliance systems at a factory requires a large management team knowledgable on the needs and requirements,...
